Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Effective Date: 26 August 2023

Welcome to, an educational platform operated by Cross The Skylimits (CTSC). As part of our commitment to the privacy and security of our users, particularly those under 18 years of age, we have formulated this comprehensive privacy policy. This policy aims to provide detailed insights into how we collect, use, disclose, and safeguard personal information within the context of our educational services tailored for studying abroad.

1. Information We Collect

Our collection of personal information is undertaken with utmost care, ensuring it aligns with our educational goals:

  • Full Names: These are collected to foster personalized communication and effective interaction within our educational platform.
  • Email Addresses: Necessary for sending crucial notifications and granting seamless access to course materials, these addresses serve as vital communication points.
  • Contact Information: This encompasses phone numbers and addresses, verifying identities and enabling essential correspondence.
  • Academic History: We use academic data to tailor our course offerings, ensuring the relevance of content to each student’s unique educational background.
  • Payment Details: These details are required to facilitate secure transaction processing and communication.

In compliance with privacy laws designed to protect minors, we proactively seek parental or legal guardian consent before collecting personal information from users under the age of 18.

2. How We Use Your Information

The personal information we collect is employed solely for educational purposes, enhancing the overall learning experience:

  • Course Enrollment: Personal information helps us streamline the course enrollment process, ensuring smooth access to educational resources.
  • Payment Processing: Collected details enable secure payment processing, and associated notifications help keep students and their parents or guardians informed.
  • Communication: Personal information aids us in establishing transparent communication channels with students and their respective parents or guardians, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

3. Data Security

The security of personal information is our top priority, especially considering the involvement of minors. Our security measures include encrypted data transmission, fortified servers, and regular security assessments. These measures collectively work to prevent unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction of the data we hold.

4. Third-Party Sharing

To deliver comprehensive educational experiences, we may share personal information with educational partners and service providers. This sharing is exclusively for the purpose of enhancing the quality of course delivery and extending robust support to our users. Our third-party partners are contractually bound to uphold the protection of personal information and are explicitly prohibited from utilizing it for non-educational purposes.

5. Cookies and Tracking Technologies

Our website relies on cookies and similar technologies to enhance user experiences. These technologies personalize content, analyze user behavior, and improve the overall learning journey. We respect the preferences of parents or guardians and allow them to control cookie settings through browser preferences. For an in-depth understanding of how cookies are used, please consult our dedicated Cookie Policy.

6. User-Generated Content

Within our educational courses, interactions and discussions may lead to the generation of user-generated content. This content may be visible to fellow learners. To ensure a respectful and productive learning environment, we actively moderate user-generated content, ensuring it adheres to our guidelines and policies.

7. Parental Rights

We understand the vital role parents or legal guardians play in their child’s educational journey. Therefore, we honor their rights to access, review, correct, or update their child’s personal information. To exercise any of these rights, please use the contact information provided below.

8. Privacy Policy Changes

For the sake of transparency and to reflect our commitment to privacy, this privacy policy may be updated. These updates may reflect changes in our practices or legal obligations. Any changes will be prominently displayed on our website or communicated through appropriate channels to ensure our users remain well-informed.

9. Data Breach Policy

While we take comprehensive security measures, in the rare event of a data breach, we commit to promptly notifying affected users and relevant authorities as stipulated by applicable laws.

10. Data Protection Compliance

Our meticulous adherence to relevant data protection laws and regulations, particularly when dealing with personal information of minors, underscores our unwavering commitment to safeguarding privacy.

11. Contact Us

For inquiries, concerns, or requests related to privacy matters, please do not hesitate to contact us using the following details:


Company-Address: Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, India